February 27, 2011

PageMaps Contest

Recently my friend catinthegrass came across this contest and immediately thought of me. She knows how much I love Basic Greys paper line. I am super excited to have an opportunity to submit for this contest:

Below is the sketch from which my layout is based on.

This is my twist on the layout. I rotated the patterned papers in different directions. Added some ribbon, bling and flowers and here we have a "Contagious Smile". The photo is of me (age 5) at Disneyland on the carousel.


  1. Looks great...I love the rick-rack...

  2. Hey! :)

    We just launched Fairfield bookoo - it's a massive online yard sale for Fairfield and surrounding areas.- Thousands of people buying and selling used stuff from each other, in a fun, family-friendly way! :)

    We're getting the word out to some local bloggers, and would like to send you a free bookoo t-shirt (no strings attached!). If you would like a free t-shirt, will you send me an email at kellin@bookoo.com with your address and shirt size? I'll get it out to you right away!

    Check out the website:


