January 11, 2010

A Big Dream, A Little Nudge and Here I Am...

Many of us from time to time wonder: do I have time, am I good enough, will others like my creative side. Well with a little nudge from a friend about 4 months ago my fears started to dwindle away.

With the encouragement of a good friend, my friend and I submitted for our first design team. This is when the dream started to become a reality for me. With sadness in my heart she was not chosen to be by my side on this first adventure. I believe there are other little monsters behind this story as to why she would not be. Then again maybe there is something bigger out there for her and she is about to find it.

So with a little nudging from one friend to another here I am. My friend has and continues to inspire my creative side. I could only hope I am inspiring her to realize she is an amazing artist that has alot to share with others like me. Although I don't think I will need to nudge her along, she will be the one with the gentle tap saying to me, "what are you dragging your feet for" or something along those lines. Thanks friend for the gentle push...

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